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This project best taught me the power of a thorough literary analysis. A story that I had read several years earlier gained new levels of depth and meaning that I would not have caught without the essay assignment for English 110. Simultaneously I was given a glimpse of life in the cold war, in which the threat and possibility of nuclear annihilation was all too real.



Great writing takes time (and drafts) to develop. By analyzing a great writer's work, I realized that there is so much that goes into writing for a specific purpose, audience or voice. Bradbury's work was incredibly tough to analyze, but the amount of effort I put into the analysis made me appreciate the effort he put into the work itself. In tandem with all this, I also was reminded of the importance of "proof" in analysis. Without direct contact with Mr. Bradbury my only way of proving his intentions was to gather and compile evidence from many other sources, both historical and biographical. 

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