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Because our project focuses on teaching (rather than learning, at this stage), assessment will focus on the instructors of the courses rather than the students. 


At a future point in time (when materials have been fully integrated into the COM 100 course), assessment of student learning will be appropriate.  At this time, however, because our primary goal is to help instructors increase and broaden the diversity of their course content, assessment will focus on professor utilization and teaching outcomes.


To do so, we will distribute a qualitative questionnaire to COM 100 professors and conduct a focus-group type discussion with all COM 100 and other professors who utilize the materials in spring 2012.  Our research questions for the assessment will include:


  • Did the resource catalog and availability of materials increase the level of diverse voices, contributions, experiences or perspectives instructors were able to infuse into their courses compared to previous semesters?
  • Did the catalogue make it easier for them to find and utilize diverse resources in their classes?
  • How, specifically, did instructors utilize the materials?
  • What worked well/didn’t work well in utilizing the materials?
  • Did the catalog/materials help make diversity an integral part of the course, rather than a separate topic?
  • Were the materials helpful in teaching students one or more mass communication theories or concepts?  If so, in what way/s?
  • Did the materials/resources spark discussions about diversity of voices or audiences?  If so, in what way/s?
  • What recommendations do instructors have for continuing to improve on the resource guide? 
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.