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The summer of 2012 I interned with Ryan Lizza nd Jane Meyer for eight weeks at The New Yorker magazine office in Washington D.C. This experience taught me how to work in a professional setting, and also skills such as research and applying my rhetorical methods in a professional setting. Lizza and Meyer were both writers for the magazine and they relied on me not only to do research for an article they were going to write, but also to trascribe interviews that they had recordered with people of interest. Two of the documents in this section are organized documents of the information I collected on Paul Ryan and Sheldon Adelson through research. There were many rhetorical methods that I used when creating these documents. I used ethos, pathos, and logos not only to think about what would appeal to my employer, but also to their audience since I myself am an advide reader of The New Yorker


Some other rhetorical decision I had to make were what information and search engines that were reliable, information that was relevant to the articles that they were writing, and lastly how to format the information that was easy for them to read and pull information from. As for the document showcasing the interview that I had to transcibe, this showcases many professional decisions that I had to make. Since the quality of the audio file was at times inaudiable, there were times that I had to either do my best to understand what was being said, or just mark the section as inaudiable. Obviously, this was many times a hard decision to make since I was trying to create a flawless document for my employer. 

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