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As a Professional Writing and Rhetoric student interested in pursuing a career in publishing and editing, it was important for me that I gain experience in editing. Through my coursework, I've become comfortable with editing my own work as well as other students' work.


The documents on the following pages are examples of my editing work. As the Editorial Assistant of Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring, I gained experience editing documents that were written by professors and professionals. These documents were also frequently outside my major, so I learned how to adjust to reading scientific and technical writing. As the Editorial Assistant for shots Magazine, I learned how to edit magazine articles about a variety of topics. I also worked with a style sheet and learned how to effectively edit layouts. In my work creating a brochure for an event at Elon, I learned how to work with a fellow editor and compile a large amount of information from numerous sources. 


This section shows how I have learned to analyze, reflect on, assess, and effectively act within rhetorical situations through working with actual clients. It also shows how I have worked develop rhetorical strategies and heuristics appropriate to specific situations. 


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