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I tend to be dissatisfied with most of my writing pieces, however I took comfort in the fact that I incorporated references to outside sources as well as personal observations, and seemed to hold the attention of my peers who read my writing. What makes it an example of good writing is that it is informative, relatable, and interesting at the same time. I also believe that part of the attention grabbing is due to what is at times uncomfortable honesty.


            The greatest challenge I faced was trying to make my writing personable and authentic, and thus having to accept the vulnerability in that. After all, anxiety isn’t something commonly talked about, and when it is, it is usually not in a first person context. Combined with the aspect of having to use outside sources to back up my argument, this made me come to a realization throughout my writing- that this anxiety is something common to many in our generation, and in that knowledge alone I found a bit of relief.

            Another Challenge I found was finding a balance between personal observations and references to outside sources for factual evidence. At times, I found myself drifting into a tangent of sorts, where I would discuss my observations in an informal way, and had to remind myself that my argument isn’t validated unless I can provide evidence from sources other than my own.


What I Learned:

            I realized throughout this project that I can become more aware of the world and the experience of others by analyzing my own experience. This project helped me to realize that, when it comes to social interactions and the anxiety surrounding it, those in my generation are more similar than they are different. In fact, it brought to my attention the idea that we are more separated by time and generations than we are by people. Most importantly, however, I was made more aware of the negative effects of the internet age, as many times it seems that technology is praised more than it is criticized. 

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