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            The writing process usually starts for me when I find a personal connection to the topic, and this was no exception. I recalled of my everyday rituals at school, walking around campus, and as well my observations of others doing the same things that I did. It is this idea of interconnectedness, albeit negative, that sparked my writing. I cannot address my writing process or the challenges I faced while writing this paper without first acknowledging the English 110 objective that best meets this project- as the two seem to go hand in hand.  I’m certain that although my writing did not change the world, it did change me in many regards- or at least made me become more self- aware. Ironically, my greatest lesson was also my greatest challenge throughout this process. The greatest challenge I faced was trying to make my writing personable and authentic, and thus having to accept the vulnerability in that. After all, anxiety isn’t something commonly talked about, and when it is, it is usually not in a first person context. Combined with the aspect of having to use outside sources to back up my argument, this made me come to a realization throughout my writing- that this anxiety is something common to many in our generation, and in that knowledge alone I found a bit of relief. 

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